Between the ages of 11 and 14, students face a series of changes in all environments, and they cease to be children and become young people. At this time, the emotional availability of parents and the accompaniment of teachers is essential, so that the rebelliousness and energy they have just discovered can be freely directed towards valuable goals and the construction of themselves.
The curriculum of our private high school for boys is focused on providing students with the skills to enter high school successfully and with high performance.
Bicultural education with subjects in English: English, Science, Civics, Geography.
Natural immersion in English with a communicative approach and taking care of the alignment to international standards both American and European.
We believe that each of our students and collaborators should be treated as a human person with particular circumstances that make their educational needs unique.
Our programs and activities are designed to be attended to through a system of personalized education that is also carried out through a close relationship with the families of our students and an individual preceptorship that accompanies the student and enlightens them, not only in their academic life, but also in their family, emotional, spiritual and, eventually, professional life.
We have Soccer, Basketball, Athletics, Baseball and Tae Kwon Do in regional and national leagues.
Music and visual arts classes in the morning as a curricular subject. They can choose from more than 10 different orchestral musical instruments. They practice painting techniques: watercolor, oil painting, sculpture, etc.
Each student is part of a team (Vikings, Romans, Aztecs and Persians Hawks) and participates in academic, sports, recreational and cultural activities representing their group.